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Открой для себя советы экспертов, подробные рекомендации и новинки в этой области: мы собрали всё для того, чтобы помочь тебе ощутить красоту здоровой кожи. Независимо от того, новичок ты или знаток в этой сфере, наши статьи по уходу за кожей подойдут всем.

Product pilling: Here’s why it’s happening to you
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Product pilling: Here’s why it’s happening to you

Have you ever felt the skincare products on your face start to ball up – similar to those pesky fluffballs on your favourite cashmere sweater? If so, then you are yet another victim of product pilling. Find out what you can do to prevent this frustrating phenomenon!

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Feminine hygiene care for optimal pH balance
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Feminine hygiene care for optimal pH balance

Step into the realm of feminine hygiene care, where achieving optimal pH balance is the ultimate goal. But what exactly is pH, and why is it so crucial for your overall wellbeing? Let's dive in and explore how balanced pH levels can unlock the secret healthy skin and intimate harmony.

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Introducing the new, updated Tender Care!
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Introducing the new, updated Tender Care!

The Tender Care that you know and love has gotten a makeover! Read on to get all the details about how we’ve updated everyone’s favourite product!

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Blackheads or sebaceous filaments – what’s the difference?
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Blackheads or sebaceous filaments – what’s the difference?

We’ve all been there, standing in front of a mirror torturing our skin by desperately trying to squeeze out anything that resembles a blackhead. But the offending little spots we’re attacking may in fact be sebaceous filaments, not blackheads! Find out what these little guys are, and how to deal with them!

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Ask the expert: Why do we need serums?
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Ask the expert: Why do we need serums?

Serums have quickly become it-products in the skincare world over the past years. Despite that, many of us are still unsure about what a serum is and what it actually does. To shed light on its incredible benefits, we turned to our Oriflame Skincare Expert Panel, seeking answers to some burning questions!

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Ingredient spotlight: Glycolic Acid
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Ingredient spotlight: Glycolic Acid

Glycolic Acid is not only one of the most effective skin exfoliators, but the cosmetic industry’s go-to skin brightener, famous for evening skin tone and texture. Here’s what you need to know about this powerhouse AHA!

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Буттарыӊызды саламат жана бактылуу кылуунун беш жөнөкөй ыкмасы
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Буттарыӊызды саламат жана бактылуу кылуунун беш жөнөкөй ыкмасы

Келиӊиз, биздин кадимки косметикалык процедураларыбыздан алыстап, көп учурда көӊүл бурулбаган негизге: биздин буттарыбызга көӊүл буралы. Буттарыбызга алар татыктуу болгондой кам көрүүгө убакыт келди!

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Уйку, сулуулук жана теринин саламаттыгы бири бири менен кандай байланышта?
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Уйку, сулуулук жана теринин саламаттыгы бири бири менен кандай байланышта?

Уйку, сулуулук жана теринин саламаттыгынын ортосундагы байланышты изилдеп көр. Өзүӊ үчүн эс алуу учурунда териңди жашарта турган адистердин кеңештерин жана түнкү териге кам көрүү каражаттарын ач.

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