7 эффективных ингредиентов для твоей кожи

Мы можем без них жить, но не хотим — и рассказываем, почему стоит искать их на этикетке прямо сейчас.

Молекулы пептидов состоят из аминокислот и стимулируют синтез коллагена и эластина — белков, которые обеспечивают упругость и молодость кожи. Пептиды обладают доказанными антивозрастными свойствами — они просто необходимы, если ты хочешь уменьшить морщины и придать сияние.

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АНА-кислоты способствуют мягкому отшелушиванию самого верхнего слоя клеток эпидермиса (корнеоцитов) путем нейтрализации связей между ними. Используй средства с АНА-кислотами за несколько дней до важного события: кожа обновится и будет выглядеть более здоровой.

Где искать: обновляющий пилинг для лица NovAge 

ВНА-кислоты имеют дополнительную углеродную группу, которая делает их жирорастворимыми и позволяет глубже проникать под эпидермис — в отличие от АНА-кислот, которые воздействуют в основном на поверхность. Самая известная кислота из этой группы — салицилловая, она помогает очистить поры и предотвратить образование черных точек. Незаменимый компонент для проблемной кожи!

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Ниацинамид — это водорастворимый витамин В3, который восстанавливает кожу и стимулирует клеточный обмен. Кроме того, он укрепляет естественный защитный барьер и сокращает выработку меланина, что делает его незаменимым в борьбе с покраснениями.

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Мощный антиоксидант растительного происхождения, который защищает от негативного воздействия свободных радикалов, замедляет процесс образования меланина и стимулирует производство коллагена. Выбирай средства с витамином С, когда кожа тускнеет и нуждается в интенсивном восстановлении.

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В природе гликолевая кислота содержится в винограде и сахарном тростнике. От остальных АНА-кислот ее отличает невысокая молекулярная масса и низкая кислотность, которые помогают компоненту глубже проникать в кожу и эффективно бороться с акне, рубцами и другими несовершенствами. Результат — осветление и более ровный тон.

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Гиалуроновая кислота вырабатывается в эпидермисе естественным образом, однако ее количество с возрастом снижается. Она словно губка впитывает и удерживает количество влаги, в 1000 раз превышающее собственный вес молекулы. Интенсивно увлажняет и разглаживает кожу, способствует образованию естественного защитного барьера. 

Где искать: сыворотка для лица против морщин NovAge Ecollagen Wrinkle Power

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Текст: Фото: Oriflame